Saturday, November 12, 2011

30 days of thankfulness, days 1-14.

I kept saying I wanted to do the 30 Days of Thankfulness, but it's almost halfway over, so I'll do a quick catch up!

1. God. I don't know where I'd be without Him, but I know it wouldn't be good. I've gone through some dark valleys in my life, and I know it was only through dependance on Him that I came back out. He really is my Rock.

2. My husband. I love him so much, and I'm so blessed to have him as mine. He makes me whole in a way no others can; he's my friend, my defender, and I fall in love with him more all the time.

3. My girls. Even on the worst day, my heart is full of love for them. They brighten my life so much. They've taught me a lot about life, and I love watching them grow and develop.

4. My church. We hunted for a long time for a church, and are very happy with the one we're members of. We're able to be really involved with it, and I'm very close to many members there.

5. My kitties. Pickles has been with us since we got married, and Bunny joined us earlier this year. They're good for cuddling and laughing at. ;)

6. My brother. I wish he didn't live in CA, but I'm so grateful for him. We not only share our past, but we're so alike in so many ways. Now if only I could convince him to move out here! ;)

7. My growing wardrobe. As a teenager, I had hideous hand-me-downs, and when I think back over my time in college when I had no money, I shudder at some of the things I wore. It took a long time, but I'm finally realizing that if I buy clothes, they should be ones I'm in love with. My closet and drawers are slowly filling with clothes I love.

8. My house. We have a huge backyard, lots of room for the girls to play inside, and even room for Ginny to live with us. We can tear down walls, build new ones, paint, do whatever we want to transform this house from a house into our house.

9. Ginny. My mother-in-law lives with us, and while life isn't always roses, I'm grateful my girls can know her so intimately and that she loves them. She also helps with babysitting occasionally, and that's always a plus!

10. Piano-playing. Jill and Beth are learning how to play (as am I), and Jon plays very well. I love having music in my house, and I hope the girls continue to love playing as they grow up.

11. Books. I have always been a bookworm, and Jill's becoming one. I love that you can dive into a good book and get lost in the story, carried off to new worlds and experiences that you might not otherwise get to have.

12. Writing. I've wanted to be a writer since I was in first grade. I love creating new worlds, seeing where my pen will lead me. I need to get back into writing, though. I do have an idea or two steeping in my brain. Now I just need to sit down and type them out.

13. Music. I've always loved listing to music, and I like many different kinds. Sometimes certain music will bring back memories of another time, or set the mood. You can say so much through music.

14. Crafts. I've always been crafty, and now with three kids, sometimes I let my creativity really come alive. I love making things for and with them. :)

And now I'm where I'm supposed to be. :)


  1. Good for you for taking the time to catch up! I would have been overwhelmed and not done it at all. :)

  2. I almost didn't! Then I decided to just do the first 14 and worry about the rest later. :)
