Thursday, November 17, 2011

30 days of thankfulness, day 15-17.

15. Thrift stores. Jon and I don't have a lot of money, so having thrift stores nearby helps so much. I can usually find nice, name brand clothing at a mere fraction of the cost, and it's great for finding clothes for the girls, too.

16. Library. I'm SO thankful that I have such an excellent library. It's connected to many, many others, so that if they don't carry the book or DVD I want, it's as simple as requesting what I want.

17. Halfiversaries. ;) Today's my eight and a half anniversary of being married to Jon. I hope I get many, many more of them. :)


  1. Thrift stores are AMAZING!!!! :)

  2. YAY thrift stores! But you kinda knew I'd say that. =o)

    I'm a huge library fan too. I always take my friends to our awesome used bookstores when they visit, because I love those places, but they are always surprised when I leave emptyhanded. "I'm too cheap," I say. "That's what we have libraries for."

    Congrats on your halfiversary!
