Monday, October 3, 2011

Goodness, life seems to be a whirlwind lately. Schooling three little girls isn't as difficult as I thought it'd be, but it definitely takes planning. Typically, I start with the pledge and "My Country 'Tis of Thee," then Bible. After I read the lesson and sing with the girls, Jill does the Bible schoolwork, I have Beth read, and then work with Kate on whatever she has for that day.

When Kate finishes, I move on to Beth (by this time, Jill's reading and working on papers), and when she finishes her papers, she's off to play. Then I work with Jill whenever she needs it; typically, though, I can give her the paper, explain it, and go do my own thing while she does hers. So far, though she thoroughly understands everything, her own downfall is following directions. She's gotten some pretty low test scores simply because she didn't listen. Not that that's a surprise. That's always been one of her weakest areas.

Not only is there school, but there's normal life. We're still fighting fleas, so I have to vacuum the whole house once a day, and as the dishwasher's on the fritz (again), I have to wash all the dishes by hand (and five people make a lot of dirty dishes!).

And then of course there's all your lovely people. I love reading your blogs, but I often forget about my own.

The weather has turned cooler here, which isn't too bad. We had a couple really warm days this week, and I'm sure we'll have a few more, but I think fall is officially here (it sometimes comes later). The sun is shining, though, and the leaves are starting to change, so I like fall right now. November is when I really hate fall--everything's dead and ugly.

I do have pictures, I promise, but they're all on my phone! I'll try to get them up Wednesday or Thursday (tomorrow's Jon's day off, so I make no promises for then).


  1. Mom's who can teach all their kids amaze me! I know that even with the videos it takes planning and a lot of hands on with the younger grades. Way to go Carol :)

  2. Thanks! You'll have to do it with Josiah when he's older, and while it'll take some adjusting, you'll do fine, too. :)
