Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Busy week.

I don't think I shared what Beth did. I promised I'd take a picture of her because she wanted to tape it to the book she's making, and I finally got around to taking one (I took a bunch and she picked her favorite), then had it printed at Walgreens. She quite happily taped it to the back of her book, and I think it was adorable that she wanted one on her book. She has dreams of publishing her work, and who knows, maybe she'll be the writer in our family.

I also did a photoshoot with the girls this past week. I've been wanting to do one with them for some time, and finally got around to doing it. I got some great pictures, but my favorite is this one. I'm going to blow it up and we're going to frame it for the wall.

I'm starting school with the girls tomorrow. I'm mostly excited, though there are a few things I still have to get taken care of. Kate is the only one who's not excited, but I think as soon as she starts, she's going to love it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Quick recap.

Back at the beginning of the year, I made a loose resolution to keep up better with this blog. As you can see, that resolution went the way of many New Year's resolutions. I'm trying again, though. Life has been very busy this summer, and yet in another way, it's been a good one in which to relax.

My mother-in-law has lived with my husband and I for the majority of our married life. It's too long to get into tonight, but she's lived with us in this house for almost six years, and she just moved out last Tuesday. It's been really nice having the house to ourselves. It was nice having her here, too, but with her gone, we have more room. Each girl can have her own bedroom, and Jon and I moved things around in the house.

This summer, I also made a homeschooling friend. She has two kids, similar in age to my younger two. She's not a Christian, but we get along well. I met her at the library, and we've been trying to get together semi-regularly.

I stopped working this past July and I have enjoyed this summer home with the girls. We've gone to the beach, hung out with friends, the older two went to camp for a week, and done many crafts; the only thing we haven't done is camped out, and we may be remedying that this week. Jon's having a great year at work, for which we are all thankful. I'll be starting school with the girls in the next week or so. I don't know how excited the girls are, but I know it's time. And getting back into a regular routine will be good for all of us.

I know I shouldn't sign off without a picture, so here you go.