This past Sunday was a good one. There's a couple in my church who joined a short while ago, and we had them over for lunch. Jon made chicken Parmesan, salad, and pasta. Jorie brought over brownies and ice cream, and all of us had a good time. We put the girls at the table I use for homeschooling, so we grownups got to talk and the kids enjoyed themselves.
After Jason and Jorie left, Jon took Jill out for fish (wow, all those j's sound like a tongue-twister!) for her aquarium. She had fun this past week cleaning her tank and filling it, and she picked out three pretty fish yesterday. She's been having bad luck with fish, though. First, she got a Betta which died the next day. Then, she got another Betta which died two days later. Now, she has an aquarium and one fish has already died. But at least the two she has left seem to be doing well!
Our kitties also seem very interested in the tank. It's a good thing there's a lid!
School is going well enough, though there have definitely been tears over new concepts this week. Sometimes, you just need to stop and go over the concept again and again until the fact is cemented in the little brain. Thankfully, Kate's finally getting how to put a whole word together without having to sound the whole thing out. She still mostly sounds out her words, but even that is progress. And she's still excited about reading, and I know how important that is.
School for me continues to go well. I have a strong A in British Lit, and I'm hanging on to my A in Astronomy, though I don't know how. I can definitely see God's hand in that class!
We have snow, like so many other parts of the country. I'm definitely a person who needs sun, so I'm thankful that we haven't had too many dark, cloudy days. I'll be glad when our snow is gone for good, though I know the girls will miss it. Jon and I played with them the other day and made a fort and took them on the sled in the yard.