I took the girls on a walk today with the dog. We went down to the dog park, then walked back. The girls know to stay on the inside of the sidewalk and not to cross any roads without my permission.
We came to a wide driveway and I said, "Cross." Beth turned and started to cross the road! There was a car coming and I yelled at her and she came back and in reality the car was traveling at the speed limit (a wonder, since no one ever does--it's 25 but people zoom through here like it's the Daytona 500) and she was fine but I saw her little life snuffed out in that instant.
My baby walked in front of a car today.
I don't cry as easily as I used to, but I broke down today, and again when we got home. I prayed to God and thanked him for saving my Bubby's life, for giving her another day.