Back when it was time for me to get a better phone, I wanted one with a good camera, and I wanted it to slide up. I'd had a flip phone, and I didn't want one of those, nor the kind that opened to reveal a qwerty keyboard (I have a qwerty keyboard, I just didn't want the kind that snapped open--I like it sliding). In December, I could get an upgrade, and we found me one, the Kin 2 (it had bad reviews, but mostly for its data plan, which I wouldn't be getting). I have been SO pleased with it. Yeah, the button for taking pictures could have been put in a better place, but I really have no complaints with it. And it takes really good quality pictures, so I don't even use my digital camera anymore.
Anyway, as much as I love taking pictures, I'm by no means a professional. The only reason I get as many good pictures as I do is that I've learned to take about a million just to get the two or three good ones.
Ginny's planted marigolds out front, and I've been wanting to get pictures of the bees that alight on them, but I kept not having time or not having my phone when I was out there. The other day, though, I had my phone and the time to get some pictures. I'm really pleased with the ones that I got.
The second one is my favorite. :)