Hi out there. It's been a long time since I've started a blog; I have another one on livejournal, but I use it for different purposes, and I've been wanting to start another one for some time. Seems like blogspot is where all the cool kids come. ;)
Anyway, I guess I'd better introduce myself. My name is Carol, I have a husband, Jon, and three mostly lovely children (hehe), Jill, Beth, and Kate. I wanted a place where I could talk more about my family; I'm scared I'll bore my friends over on lj if I go on and on and on. Then again, I might bore all of you guys, so whatever.
Probably not making a very good first impression, huh? I don't even have any pictures because I have to poke around here first and figure everything out. Well, I guess I could leave you with one. :)